Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Post #2 - Motion Controls i.e. Wagglan

Motion and Wagglan

Hello again! Apparently my first post was an interesting read and I'll try to keep it going. Anyone else annoyed that the direction video games are going in looks like it's going to be strictly motion controls?

Playstation Move was released last month and Microsoft Kinect came out last week, rounding out all 3 companies having their motion control alternatives, except with the Wii it's required.

Now granted, I do have a Wii, but the games I play the most on it don't require too much remote waving. Examples, Kirby Epic Yard, Monster Hunter 3, Metroid Other M. Nintendo went for the motion as their flagship and it is working out for them because all of their efforts are going into that.

For the other companies however, it is just an alternative method to play aimed at a different audience. The only problem with 1 of the 3, *cough* KINECT *cough* it doesn't work! I went to my local Best Buy with a few friends and we tried out the Kinect, and I tried out the Move afterwards. The Kinect calibration process took 5-10 minutes, and even after that, the tracking was limited and buggy due to the low amount of space the store had set up, but it was kind of an indication on how it would be in homes. Optimal space for Kinect for 2 people is 7-10ft away from the sensor/camera, there aren't alot of people who have that much space in their dedicated area where they play Xbox, if they do it typically requires alot of movement and re-arranging of furniture, which is really a hassle. Also, it was stated for 4 people, closer to 15-20 feet from the sensor is needed, I do not know one person who would have that much space in their home to ever be able to play Kinect with 4 people. Kinect is amazing technology, and it is a step forward, but it's about 5 steps back in terms of implementation, I hope it does well for future games, but at this point all you can do is move left and right, jump, play some sports games, there is no control of forward or backward, thats about 30% of a total game you're really playing.

Now for the Playstation Move, Sony basically upgraded the EyeToy and also added an LED indicator on the end of the wand to track full hand movement. From what I tried of the table tennis sports demo, it actually tracked my serves and backhands really well. Also the Move wand can be used to navigate through the XMB menu on the system, so so far it is doing well in terms of capturing motion. Only downside for Move and Kinect though is there aren't really any games aside from the dance, exercise, and the basic sports games to play, we'll have to see how they pan out over the next couple months.

Wii - Many more games to play, Wii Motion Plus has improved the motion tracking of the remote at the cost of $20. Virtual Console
Playstation Move - Same, if not better functionality than the Wii at an extra $100 cost if you already have a PS3 but do not own the Playstation Camera.
Kinect - Biggest improvement in terms of technology.

Wii - Lack of online games and lackluster ports and lower library of games most core gamers would be interested in.
Move - Lack of games so far, but best working technology.
Kinect - Space limitations for most consumers, calibration is more of a chore, lack of games.

My verdict for what will SELL the most, Kinect, the ad campaign for it is ridiculous. Microsoft didn't spend half a billion dollars for nothing. Move is selling well in Europe and I predict large sales for the holidays. Wii is a household name and will sell as it always does.

Just remember, regular controllers are still better!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Post #1 - The Console "War"

The Console "War"

I am not one to typically take sides when it comes to games, but I do have my preferences when it comes to games I like to play. The major preference being I love to play Fighting Games, Role-Playing Games, Shooters, and Racing Games. So as anyone could probably come to the conclusion, I have a PS3. Not to say I do not like the Xbox 360, but in this economy and my full-time job and also school, I can't afford to buy another console and also put more time into that. Needless to say, I love Halo, Fable, and Gears of War on occasion.

The main point of this post is primarily aimed at FANBOYS, don't you just get a chill everytime they're mentioned? In this generation of gaming, I have never seen the level of fanboyism or devotion to one console as I have for the HD Gaming generation. People, must you really be so die-core for your console that you won't listen to reason, or even give other games a chance on other consoles?

All three consoles have their pros and cons for what they offer, and not one is BAD in anyway, I don't care what anyone says.

Exclusives: Quality over quantity, but in most cases PS3 and Wii have more highly rated exclusive titles than the Xbox, but the Xbox's exclusives are great games as well. When I say exclusive I mean the actual meaning of the term, as in NOT AVAILABLE by any other means. Anything on Xbox that is available on PC in a superior fashion is not an Xbox exclusive.

-The Xbox offers the best multiplayer experience for gamers, this cannot be doubted, but to act as if the PS3's multiplayer is downright unplayable, I find this drastically hard to believe. I've played multiplayer on both consoles extensively, and yes most games on 360 are easier to navigate, but I don't have a problem finding people to play with on PS3. I don't bother mentioning the Wii in this point because we all know, Nintendo screwed up royally with the Wii's internet capabilities aside from the Virtual Console.

-The PS3 is the best for media usage, Blu-Ray, the new updated non-disc Netflix, a better online store for purchasing Movies and TV-Shows, atleast I believe the PSN store is superior to the Zune Marketplace on the console. The PS3 is also best for Fighting Games, the Sony controller is the best controller after a Fight-Stick to play fighting games with.

-The Wii offers great games at a discount cost, the core games on Wii I've yet to see anyone not enjoy. Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Galaxy 1/2, No More Heroes(Yes I know it is being ported in HD to PS3), MadWorld, Kirby Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country, Metroid Other M, Monster Hunter 3, all of these games are very enjoyable to play on the Wii. The main downside to its core games are the release schedule, one amazing game every 5-6 months was rampant in the system's early life, but they seem to have rectified that.

At this point in the game, can we all agree that blindly insulting other gamers for their preferences is downright retarded? I'm looking at you fanboys who will sit in gamestop and shoot down someone's purchase, but I leave you all with a thought, We're all Gamers, and most people hate us anyway, we don't need to hate each other.

The State of Gaming

Greetings Gamers, PC and Console alike, Ryjin here, your average all around gamer, I play everything from Halo, Killzone, Smash Bros, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, Street Fighter, Battlefield, you name it, but I digress. The point of this blog is really to output my opinions and the observations of the direction the game industry is going.